City Retreat City Retreat

Amsterdam Energy Costs - The City Retreat Owners Information

James Evans • Mon, Sep 30

Amsterdam Energy Costs - The City Retreat Owners Information

Cost of gas, electricity and water in Amsterdam

Amsterdam Energy and Water

Your expenditures on energy and water are monthly recurring costs, also known as fixed costs. What are the average costs of gas, water and electricity? And how can you save on it?

With our serviced apartments in Amsterdam, City Retreat has figures for the average household expenditure on gas, water, and electricity. This is useful if you are renting our your property to make a budget. You can see what costs are incurred by households similar to yours.

Did you know?

53,000 litres of water is used on average per person per year in the Netherlands. This average coincides with the usage within our Monthly Rentals in Amsrerdam, making it a reliable figure at the time of publishing this article.

Gas Usage in a Serviced Apartment in Amsterdam

Housing TypeAverage Consumption per Year (m3)Costs per Month
Terraced House1,120324
Corner House1,330381
2 Under 1 Roof1,550441
Average All Homes1,190343

*With an average gas rate (September 2024 rate) of €3.86 per m3 and an average fixed charge of €21.82 per month (including 9 percent VAT). Rounded amounts Source: Milieu Centraal and CBS (calculation Nibud, 2024).

Electricity Usage in a Serviced Apartment in Amsterdam

The electricity consumption mainly depends on the number of people in your house. The average use for all households is almost 2,930 kWh per year. The average consumption and the monthly amounts per household can be found in the table below. The costs are closely related to the electrical appliances you use and how economical they are.

We pay energy tax in the Netherlands per kWh consumed (electricity) and per cubic meter (gas). Each household receives a part of this through a tax credit. This amount is deducted from the energy bill. Usually, this happens with the annual electricity bill. For 2024, this is 413.23 euros.

Number of Persons in HouseholdAverage Consumption per Year (kWh)Costs per Month (€)
5 or more4,270219
Average per Household2,760129

*With an average electricity rate (September 2024 rate) of 70.23 euro cents per kWh and a fixed charge of € 24.50 per month and a tax reduction of € 742.98 (all including 9 percent VAT). Rounded amounts. Source: Milieu Centraal and CBS (calculation Nibud, 2024).

Water usage in a Serviced Apartment in Amsterdam

The water consumption also depends on the number of people living in the house. A third of the water goes to showering and bathing.

The rest usually goes to washing clothes, toilet usage, and cooking.

Number of Persons in HouseholdAverage Consumption per Year (m3)Costs per Month (€)
5 or more18424

*Calculated with an average rate of €1.21 per m3 and an average fixed fee of €68.92 per year (all including 9 percent VAT). Rounded amounts. Source: Vewin (calculation Nibud, 2024).

Green electricity or green gas

Most energy companies also offer green electricity. This flow has been generated cleanly, for example, by the wind, sun or water. With this generation method, much less or no harmful CO2 is emitted. With some energy companies, green electricity is slightly cheaper than regular electricity. For other companies, green electricity is more expensive. You can also choose green gas. The environment is also less taxed.

Tip: On the internet you can compare prices of green electricity and green gas with other electricity and gas prices. You can find independent advice on these comparison sites at

Saving and Reducing Bills | Gas vs Electricty

We encourage all our tenants in our Amsterdam serviced apartments to use utilities responsiblity. If you use your electrical appliances and heating smartly, you can save a lot on the energy bill.

Government Support

In December 2022, the Dutch government announced compensation and support measures to help residents cope with energy cost increases. More information about this can be found here.